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Broadband Access - The Digital Divide

The digital divide is very real in Michigan, and it is especially damaging in rural communities.  As a large portion of Michigan is rural, I have been thinking up solutions to solve the digital divide in communities, where access to broadband is more difficult to attain. Read More

Increase Funding to Socioeconomic Disadvantaged School Districts

I am literally thinking of new programs every day, and hope to further develop these programs in time, I am currently enrolled at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor to get certified as a public-school teacher and hope to get a graduate degree in Ann Arbor studying various trends impacting education throughout America.  Please see my expanded Description for more information.

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Increase 4th Grade Reading Performance

it is said that 4th grade is instrumental in the development regarding the Educational Attainment of a child. Read More

Protect LGBT Youth In Michigan Schools

I have many ideas on protecting and making Michigan Schools safe for LGBT youth.  Read More

Teach Michigan Students Proper History

Conservatives want to dismantle how your children learn in a school setting; I will protect the way information is taught to students in Michigan Schools.  Michigan students need to learn the proper History of our World, and our Country to fully be prepared for the future. Read More

Continue to Support Common Core Standards In Michigan

If elected I will continue to support the Common Core Standards that were adopted in June 2010 by the MSBE. Read More

Continue to Support FAPE for Students with Disabilities

If elected I will continue to support the FAPE program for students with disabilities in Michigan Schools. Read More

Continue to Support and Fund IEP Programs for Michigan Students with Disabilities

If elected to the MSBE I will continue to support and develop initiatives contained within the IEP program for student with disabilities. Read More

Committee to Elect Brian Jaye, 145 South Livernois #176, Rochester MI 48307
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